简介:关于我们 Private company, founded in 2016 ,set up a sales company in shenzhen, and joint venture manufacturing companies to form a yue production base integrating operations. 迈悦科技2016年5月创立,同期在深圳设立销售公司,合资多家工厂组建迈悦生产基地,整合运营。 Located in Chengdu City, middle of China, only 10 mins. by car to airport. 迈悦坐落于中国中部城市--成都,距机场仅10分钟 Three major production bases has a staff of 100 people. 迈悦科技三大生产基地拥有员工百余人。 MERRY specializes in manfacturing and supplying core parts of high-end equipments at home and abroad,including Locking Devices, Couplings, Timing Pulleys, and other OEM parts, also including imported high-precision Power Transmission components. Supplying products for global industrial applications, related to domestic precision machine tools, precision equipments, elevators and other important industries. 迈悦致力于成为国内外高端装备核心零部件供应商,产品主要包括:用于自动化控制的关键精密机械传动件 (如:胀套、联轴器、同步轮、以及其他OEM零件),以及配套提供进口高端传动产品,主要应用于全球工业领域,涉及国内精密机床,精密设备,电梯等重要行业。 ORE MISSION 公司使命 通过不断提高品质、降低成本,为全球智能制造提供高端核心零部件而赋能! ORE VISION 公司愿景 通过不懈努力,着力提升迈悦对客户、市场、社会的企业价值,致力成为一家传承性企业! ORE VALUE 公司价值观 感恩与员工(客户)伙伴关系; 对于工作(事业)追求卓越的成就; 团队氛围持续(终生)学习; 提升效率和效能!
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