职位描述 履行初级职员的会计职能,支持业务流程,提供卡特彼勒会计实务经验。 工作相关的统计数据。 工作职责: 从一开始,任职者将被期望成为一个有贡献的执行者,从事支持业务流程的员工级会计工作。 此外,这个职位将-了解卡特彼勒的业务和会计惯例、系统和程序。-学习和发展基本会计知识的实际应用所产生的技能,以及-为项目小组或工作小组中的其他人提供帮助。会计员将接触到各种会计职能,并完成高水平的汇编和基本分析工作,审查文书输入和生成报告。 会计师确定相关数据和数据来源,收集和分析信息,并提供反馈。 通常情况下,决定将影响相对低风险的问题,并由主管审查。 主管会指导工作,但这个职位不需要密切的监督就能有效地工作。可能的责任领域是多样的,包括-财务会计,包括编制分录、财务报表-设施层面的可变附加值预算和差异分析-机器成本滚动,包括成本监控和临时报告-机器正常和异常的支持-支持SOX合规性、内部和外部审计会计任务的种类从低到中等复杂程度不等。 工作小组以外的互动通常是与同行的互动。随着会计人员经验的增加,他/她将对更复杂的会计问题形成技术上的理解,并扩大他们的决策能力。 会计师将通过培训和经验不断学习。 这个级别的学习将侧重于应用于会计的方法、流程和系统,发展沟通技巧,并建立对卡特彼勒的业务、产品、供应商和客户的了解。背景/经验:该职位要求有3年的学位,***是会计专业。 非会计学位需要至少18个小时的大学水平的会计或批准的会计证书。在美国以外的地区,通常需要有相当于国际水平的教育和/或认证。 所有批准的认证可以在财务处会计认证网站上找到。 必须表现出强大的领导力、主动性、人际交往能力和有效的沟通能力。 希望具备当地法定会计、货币、税收和贸易控制方面的知识。Your Work Shapes the WorldWhether it be groundbreaking products, best in class solutions or creating a lifelong career, you can do the work that matters at Caterpillar. With a 95-year legacy of quality and innovation and 150 locations in countries around the world, your impact spans the globe.When you join Caterpillar, you are joining a team of makers, innovators and doers. We are the people who roll up our sleeves and do the work to build a better world. We don’t just talk about progress and innovation. We make it happen. And we are proud of that, because it helps our customers build and power the world we live in – the roads, hospitals, homes and infrastructure. Without a dedicated workforce Caterpillar could not effectively meet our customer’s needs. Join us.Description To perform entry-level staff accounting functions that support business processes and provide experience with Caterpillar accounting practices. JOB RELATED STATISTICS: IndeterminateJOB DUTIES: From the outset, incumbent will be expected to be a contributing performer, doing staff level accounting work that supports business processes. Additionally, this position will:-gain an understanding of Caterpillar’s business and accounting practices, systems and procedures;-learn and develop skills which result from the practical application of basic accounting knowledge, and-provide assistance to a project team or others in the work group.Accountants will be exposed to a variety of accounting functions and will accomplish a high level of compilation and basic analysis work, reviewing clerical input and generating reports. The accountant identifies relevant data and data sources, gathers and analyzes the information, and provides feedback. Typically, decisions will impact relatively low risk issues and will be reviewed by a supervisor. A supervisor will direct work, but this position does not require close supervision to be effective.Possible areas of responsibility are varied, including:?financial accounting including preparation of journal entries, financial statements?facility level variable value added budget
- 机械制造·机电·重工
- 51-99人
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